DALI-2 RS Plug App

The DALI-2 Room Solution is a complete solution for individual rooms and includes all the necessary DALI-2 core components. The advantages are evident wherever individual lighting concepts need to be customised.

With the integrated timer, it is possible to respond extremely flexibly to any application and achieve greater energy savings. In addition, the optional HCL function (Human Centric Lighting) can maintain or even improve people's health, well-being, concentration and performance. Thus, not only electrical designers and installers gain a plus in flexibility, openness and comfort in lighting control, the users themselves also benefit from customised feel-good light.

The tablet and the presence detectors communicate bidirectionally via Bluetooth. This means that all parameters can be read out quickly and easily. In addition, firmware and function updates of the detectors can be installed in a very short time. This means that all devices are always up to date. Compared to other DALI-2 systems, the solution is extremely easy and intuitive to put into operation.


The highlights of the DALI-2 RS Plug App at a glance:


  • Intuitive user interface thanks to drag & drop functionality.

  • Fast programming thanks to copy and paste settings.

  • Simple parameter setting for basic users and experts.

  • Convenient setting and selection of HCL sequences, scenes and timer functions.

  • Better support during commissioning thanks to diagnostic data.

  • Better support during commissioning thanks to diagnostic data.